The FP&M SETA, in partnership with Printing SA, has compiled a questionnaire with industry stakeholders to help determine and verify the current composition of the printing and packaging industry.

This information gathering is the first stage of a broader vision to establish an industry strategy that would result in sustainable industry growth and competitiveness. In terms of training, the strategic objective is to strengthen the skills base of these industries and this will form an integral part of the industry growth strategy.

The survey is carried out by an experienced and independent research company, BMI Research. All information submitted will be kept confidential. Participation in this national industry survey is critical to the success of the development of a future industry growth strategy and has the following benefits:

1. A comprehensive analysis of our industries, from which the final report will be shared with all participants.
2. A tool that can be used to determine the future strategy for individual business and the industry as a whole.
3. An opportunity to impact on the future growth strategy for our industry.

The FP&M SETA remains committed to service its sub-sectors, and urges you to complete the accompanying questionnaire and to return your response. Your input is of critical importance for the future development of the printing and packaging industry.

If you have any queries about this survey or experience any difficulties, you can speak to Herman Watkins at BMI Research (+27 11 615 7000) or email him at Please read the instructions in the yellow block below each question carefully. Select the sections you are able to fill in, and if you are not able to, then request assistance from anyone else who might be able to fill this from within your organisation or company. If any section is not relevant to you, please fill in N/A in each of these fields.

Take the survey here.

PRINTING SA (+27 11) 287 1160