The free Qualification Scoping webinar is an opportunity for industry stakeholders to have their voices heard regarding the training needs of the various sectors of the industry and, in particular, what jobs need to be developed and recognised as occupational qualifications.

Companies in the printing, packaging, signage and visual communications industry who are passionate about training and skills development should attend. Printing SA, in partnership with The Fibre Processing and Manufacturing (FP&M) SETA and the Quality Council for Trade and Occupation (QCTO), will host the webinar on 14 October 2020 from 9am.

Panellists include:

– Johnny Modiba, Quality Assurance: General Manager, Fibre Processing and Manufacturing Sector Education and Training Authority (FP&M SETA).
– Mothusiotsile Segosapelo, Deputy Director: Occupational Qualification Design, Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO).
– André Els, QA Co-Ordinator, FP&M SETA.
– Ken Leid, Director: National Training and Development, Printing SA.

‘In terms of training needs, industrial screen printing and other trades may seem antiquated and may not currently be catered for, and this is an opportunity for businesses who offer these services to ensure they are represented,’ said Leid. ‘The webinar is also an empowering platform for attendees to gain an understanding of the qualification development process, and to interact with the organisations responsible for developing and instituting the training. Attendees can also put forward experts to sit on technical committees that give their input in curriculum development.’

Please give your input and take the quick survey on the courses needed by the industry.

The purpose of this webinar will be:

1. To identify and discuss the parameters of the occupational qualifications to be developed.

2. To confirm the scope of qualifications:

• Confirmation of the need for these qualifications.
• Confirmation of the Organising Framework for Occupations (OFO codes) and titles of the qualifications.

3. Nomination of the Development Quality Partners (DQP) and Assessment Quality Partners (AQP):
• FP&M SETA to be the Development Quality Partner as per the QCTO proposed arrangements.
• National Artisan Moderation Body (NAMB) to be the Assessment Quality Partner for Trades.
• FP&M SETA to be the Assessment Quality Partner for Occupational Qualifications.

4 Confirmation of stakeholder participation:
• Identify any critical stakeholders and constituencies that need to be included in the process.

5. Nomination of Community of Expert Practitioners (CEP).

6. Agree on the draft project schedule.

Register here for the webinar.